You should go to this site you'll love it~
Be Not Far Off- Psalm 22
Monday, December 19, 2005
Hey, BIG News!
So guess What!!!!!!! I got my drivers license. I've been driving everywhere! My first thought, when I was driving alone, was "This is actually legal!" It is so much fun and I'm having a blast!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Micah's first agility trial was Friday! We did GREAT!!!!!!!! He ran three runs, Jumpers and Tunnelers 1 & 2.
Our first run was Jumpers. We placed 1st and Qualified!!!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!
Our second run Tunnelers 1. We placed 3rd and Qualified!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
Our last run was Tunnelers 2. WE placed 1st and Qualified!! There were 66 dogs in this class and only three were as fast as Micah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did great considering that it was his FIRST trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our first run was Jumpers. We placed 1st and Qualified!!!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!
Our second run Tunnelers 1. We placed 3rd and Qualified!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
Our last run was Tunnelers 2. WE placed 1st and Qualified!! There were 66 dogs in this class and only three were as fast as Micah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did great considering that it was his FIRST trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
An Anwser!
God had been SO good to me in everyway! I want to tell you something that the Lord did for me today....
I've had acne for 2 years now and I got mad at God. I was "yelling" at Him and complaning. I'm not like Job who can just take hardships and still praise the Lord... I'm such a sinner. Anyway, I decided to read the Bible... I was looking for comfort and I found it in a different verse and a very different way than I ever expected. It was in Proverbs 3. It said "be not weary in the Lords correction, God corrects the ones He loves". The Lord gave me acne for a reason, and maybe to correct me in something.... I do not know.... but this verse brought me much comfort and now I'm happy knowing that the Lord loves me!!
Just had to share my little story!
God Bless You All!!!
I've had acne for 2 years now and I got mad at God. I was "yelling" at Him and complaning. I'm not like Job who can just take hardships and still praise the Lord... I'm such a sinner. Anyway, I decided to read the Bible... I was looking for comfort and I found it in a different verse and a very different way than I ever expected. It was in Proverbs 3. It said "be not weary in the Lords correction, God corrects the ones He loves". The Lord gave me acne for a reason, and maybe to correct me in something.... I do not know.... but this verse brought me much comfort and now I'm happy knowing that the Lord loves me!!
Just had to share my little story!
God Bless You All!!!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I just found out something last night that could change a lot of things. Like my WHOLE entire LIFE!!!!!! And not in a good way. I'll have to ask... to see if I could tell you guys....but for now please just pray for me and everyone this news has affected!!! Thank you guys! I appreciate your love and support!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
2 NEW Movies
Yep we had great week. I gave a speech, Dad got his new Jeep, Micah went to training class, and as a family Dad took us out to eat TWICE this week and the the MOVIES.
Dad and I saw Dreamer Friday night. It was a great movie. There was little "action" for guys but it was a great family movie. The horse Dreamer broke her foot at the end of a race, but instead of putting her down (the girls Dad) decided to keep her to breed. It ended up that Dreamer was sterile so the only hope for the horse was to race. I won't tell you any more you must go see it!!! DON'T go on Friday night. Where are all these teens parents? The girls wore "Nothing" and all the guys thought about was how the girls looked and you know what. It was just awful. After seeing all those skinny girls I tryed on my size 3 jeans and to my dismay they didn't fit. But you know...who cares how I look? I wore a jean skirt to the movies (because I'm wearing skirts now instead of pants) the look all the people gave me was like they thought I was from Mars? It kinda hurt but you know what... all I had to do was pray for God to give me streanth and then I was fine! God has been so merciful and gracious to me, in placing me in a home where my parents love me. God is so good!
Last night Dad took Matthew, Mom, and me to see Chicken Little. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! GREAT MOVIE!!!!! Mom thought it was pretty stupid....but that's was SO stupid it was funny!!! I'm not telling anything about this movie cause it would really give it away!!!!!!
Well, today is Sunday. I'd better go get prepared for church. May God Bless you all in his abundant mercy and unchanging love!
Dad and I saw Dreamer Friday night. It was a great movie. There was little "action" for guys but it was a great family movie. The horse Dreamer broke her foot at the end of a race, but instead of putting her down (the girls Dad) decided to keep her to breed. It ended up that Dreamer was sterile so the only hope for the horse was to race. I won't tell you any more you must go see it!!! DON'T go on Friday night. Where are all these teens parents? The girls wore "Nothing" and all the guys thought about was how the girls looked and you know what. It was just awful. After seeing all those skinny girls I tryed on my size 3 jeans and to my dismay they didn't fit. But you know...who cares how I look? I wore a jean skirt to the movies (because I'm wearing skirts now instead of pants) the look all the people gave me was like they thought I was from Mars? It kinda hurt but you know what... all I had to do was pray for God to give me streanth and then I was fine! God has been so merciful and gracious to me, in placing me in a home where my parents love me. God is so good!
Last night Dad took Matthew, Mom, and me to see Chicken Little. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! GREAT MOVIE!!!!! Mom thought it was pretty stupid....but that's was SO stupid it was funny!!! I'm not telling anything about this movie cause it would really give it away!!!!!!
Well, today is Sunday. I'd better go get prepared for church. May God Bless you all in his abundant mercy and unchanging love!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Future Plans
God has finally showed me what I'm supposed to do with my life. I have been debating on what I should do with my life and after LOTS of pray and investigation I have decided. Since I'll soon be a Senior I was pressed to decided what to do when done with high school. This is my diction. I plan on becoming a Medical Assistant. Lord willing I will go to a college like Lincon Tech and get my Medical Asst. Degree and then take a hands on course that some Hospitals have. If I really like it then I may peruse a Nurse degree. I'll have to see. But so far that is the plan! Please pray for me! I will need a lot of guidance from God! Thanks guys I would really appreciate it!
Also I'm waiting for something important and it hasn;y come in 3 mths. So please pray that I'll have patience and that it will come.
Also I'm waiting for something important and it hasn;y come in 3 mths. So please pray that I'll have patience and that it will come.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
O.K guys I'm going through something in my life that requires patience. I'm having a hard time dealing with it so please I need some help and advice! Thanks guys!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Girls and College?
So, what do you think about girls and college?
Here's what I think. I think that females should go if they are called to do so.
God has called(most) females to be homemakers, faithful wives and loving mothers. Will going to college make women want to be buisness women, competitive workers, or successful owners of a company? These things are not "bad" things.
My goal in life is not to be a successful buisness women, but a keeper of the home. I can not wait to get married, raise children, and have a family who loves the Lord and wants to serve Him. Will going to college help me reach this goal?
Remember this is what I think... please give your input and what you think.
Thanks guys!
Here's what I think. I think that females should go if they are called to do so.
God has called(most) females to be homemakers, faithful wives and loving mothers. Will going to college make women want to be buisness women, competitive workers, or successful owners of a company? These things are not "bad" things.
My goal in life is not to be a successful buisness women, but a keeper of the home. I can not wait to get married, raise children, and have a family who loves the Lord and wants to serve Him. Will going to college help me reach this goal?
Remember this is what I think... please give your input and what you think.
Thanks guys!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Hello... Long time no see!
Ok guys tell me about your summer!
Mine was busy! I went to the fair and saw the Magnusons (twice!)
I have to go but I want to suggest a movie that you all should watch
"A Walk to Remember"
Kara I have it so you must come over and see it.
Shane... UMMMM you may not like it (no action)
Jea WE love it!
and all the rest of you...... SEE IT!
Mine was busy! I went to the fair and saw the Magnusons (twice!)
I have to go but I want to suggest a movie that you all should watch
"A Walk to Remember"
Kara I have it so you must come over and see it.
Shane... UMMMM you may not like it (no action)
Jea WE love it!
and all the rest of you...... SEE IT!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
I'm taking the summer off my blog. So I won't be updating or commenting till later this year.
E-mail me if you must contact me! Have a great summer!
E-mail me if you must contact me! Have a great summer!
Friday, June 17, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Hair cut
So, I'm getting my hair cut today or tomarrow! Very happy because it's getting to long and annoying. I'm going to get it cut about chin lenghth. So, sorry Rachel I'm gonna get it chopped off!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
ok so Micah barks every time I run him. I couldn't figure it out until tonight. Micah barks when I don't go fast enough. I was running soooooooooooooo fast and he stopped barking. So one things for sure, he'll be fast but me...... to work on that!
Stacey, Scooter, and Micah
Stacey, Scooter, and Micah
Friday, June 03, 2005
So Micah is here! He is a Black tri Sheltie. I have been working on his weave poles and his teeter. His contacts do need worked on. I plan to work on that later this week, for know I'm just trying to make him comforatble. As for the jumps, tire and walkit he's fine. I have a hard time taking him off the obsticals. We are shooting for a show in the middle of winter, if all goes as planned. Micah will be going to his first agility class Tuesday. I hope all goes well. CYA! I'll keep you updated on his progress!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Ok, so its been awhile. Really sorry life can get really busy you know. LOL, but I guess that's no excuse. Well, I have some really exciting news to tell you all. Tomarrow (Wednesday) I'm going to look at a purbred B/C (Border Collie) who's 3 yrs. old. She is 19" tall and very sweet. I may be able to take her home tomarrow, but I want to be very carful because I want to have this dog take me to the Champs or even World (in Agility) Well, that's the news. I let you know how it goes.
Friday, April 22, 2005
ok I NEED your opinion. (both guys and gals)
Do you think I should cut my hair or leave it long?
Do you like long hair or short hair?
And I don't want anwsers with "I dont know", "I don't care" or "either way". OK! PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!
Do you think I should cut my hair or leave it long?
Do you like long hair or short hair?
And I don't want anwsers with "I dont know", "I don't care" or "either way". OK! PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!
Monday, April 18, 2005
My life
Well, it has been awile since I last posted but that's because nothing has really gone on (that's exciting). Now this is the moment that you think "poor Stacey"! LOL! Ok never mind.
So lets IT! Since we ALL hate Hilary Duff does any of you like Linsay Lohan? They have this HUGE cat-fight going on because they both sing, act, and start fashion trends. To tell you the truth I don't like them. I like their looks but is that what really matters? Not really....I mean no.
Ok enough of that. OH, YES BIG NEWS!!!!! We can have grapes, apples, bannans, and organic COWS milk!!!!!!!!!! YES, THIS IS THE LIFE!!!!!!!
Ok, i'm a little crazzzzy now so G2G!
P.S. I'm cutting open some frogs and fish today in Biology!
So lets IT! Since we ALL hate Hilary Duff does any of you like Linsay Lohan? They have this HUGE cat-fight going on because they both sing, act, and start fashion trends. To tell you the truth I don't like them. I like their looks but is that what really matters? Not really....I mean no.
Ok enough of that. OH, YES BIG NEWS!!!!! We can have grapes, apples, bannans, and organic COWS milk!!!!!!!!!! YES, THIS IS THE LIFE!!!!!!!
Ok, i'm a little crazzzzy now so G2G!
P.S. I'm cutting open some frogs and fish today in Biology!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
We can tell that spring is here by the way the birds are singing, and the fresh aroma the air has, everything is happy and gay. In the morning, when you walk out to your porch with a cup of tea in your hand, you see the smiling face of the sun welcoming you to a, yet again, beautiful morning God has given you. As you sit down on the old brown rocking chair, your grandmother once used, you pick up a black leather-bound book that ways laying at your side. The precious book you have lived on. Having read it when you were sad, happy, troubled, stressed, and every occasion, to find peace and guidance. As you flip through the weightless pages you turn to Genesis 2:15 "And the Lord God took man, and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it".
When you finish the verse you look at the garden which has just awakened from its long winter nap, you think of last years crop. The excitement of watching the little green stems pop out of the ground, as the weeks go by you see little flowers sprouting from the stems. Watering it, you wait for these little plants to give you their appetizing gifts. As the months go by you eat the fruit and vegetables but not without working for it. Planning a fight, the weeds grow relentlessly, no matter what you do, those little weapons sprout up as fast as you defeat one. Yes, it's an on going battle. After the fall of man God says to Adam "...Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:17-19.
We can expect hard work when growing a garden, but at the end of the season, as you harvest all the fruit, vegetables, and flowers, you have a feeling of accomplishment. As you start canning, you remember all those months ahead which will be cold and dark. But you can bring out a can of spring, summer and fall to think of next year and what that garden Gad has given you will provide!
This is a story I wrote for Friendship News. If there are any changes that are necessary please tell me! THANKS!
When you finish the verse you look at the garden which has just awakened from its long winter nap, you think of last years crop. The excitement of watching the little green stems pop out of the ground, as the weeks go by you see little flowers sprouting from the stems. Watering it, you wait for these little plants to give you their appetizing gifts. As the months go by you eat the fruit and vegetables but not without working for it. Planning a fight, the weeds grow relentlessly, no matter what you do, those little weapons sprout up as fast as you defeat one. Yes, it's an on going battle. After the fall of man God says to Adam "...Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:17-19.
We can expect hard work when growing a garden, but at the end of the season, as you harvest all the fruit, vegetables, and flowers, you have a feeling of accomplishment. As you start canning, you remember all those months ahead which will be cold and dark. But you can bring out a can of spring, summer and fall to think of next year and what that garden Gad has given you will provide!
This is a story I wrote for Friendship News. If there are any changes that are necessary please tell me! THANKS!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hey all you poor neglected people! (sorry just had to put that in!) Well, I got on our internet but am not sure how long it will last for. Anyway I started a magazine for girls and its really turning out well.
Moms ready to go to shopping (ick) G2G!
P.S God Bless all of you!
P.S.S If Shane is reading this NICE job on your blog! I was really impressed. w00t! ROFLOL!!!
Moms ready to go to shopping (ick) G2G!
P.S God Bless all of you!
P.S.S If Shane is reading this NICE job on your blog! I was really impressed. w00t! ROFLOL!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sorry its been so long
Our computer shut down so we had to get a new one. Then we found out that our internet didn't work so after figuring it out I GOT ON!!! Sorry David, Kara, and Veronica! Well got to go I got TONS of e-mails to reply to! See Ya!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
So Kara how did you enjoy skiing? I had a lot of fun. Next week you can try snowboarding! Maybe I could help. Hey, David do you ski or snowboard? It's a lot of fun. Snowboarding is more fun than skiing, I think. Well G2G!!!! BYE!!
Friday, January 21, 2005
OK, So yesterday at Gavel club I had to eat this awful stuff. It was seaweed and GROSS. I NEVER in my life want to eat that AGAIN!!! Man! I'm gonna say a speech in two weeks so nobody come to Gavel that I said that you all are going to come. Got 2 go bye!
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I talk to Kara yesterday and she told me to "UPDATE" so I guess I will. I ordered my chicks and they will be coming in the end of this month. I ordered 26 and got one of every breed. Lets see...mmm.. Oh my grandfather is getting married Monday so we will be flying down to Georgia Saturday. Got to go eat lunch bye.
P.S. Tell me one of your GREATEST wishes?
P.S. Tell me one of your GREATEST wishes?
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