Jesus Christ was willing to come to earth as a man. To be born into a common family. To voluntarily take on the trails and tribulations of being a human.
If you look at His life here on earth you will see that He always played by the rules. When He was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, He could have commanded Satan to leave Him alone. He could have turned stones into bread to eat, He could have become the ruler of the earth without first dying on the cross, yet He did none of these things.
He could have died for our sins with dignity. Why allow Himself to be mocked, spit on, beaten, stripped, hung on a cross like a common criminal, and laughed at by the world? Why not come to earth as a grown man instead of a baby? Why grow up as a carpenter's son, working hard each day, getting splinters, sore muscles, colds, feeling loneliness, sadness, headaches, you name it?

Does all this show a weakness on His part? Did He have to prove something? If that is what you think about the Creator of the universe, then you are sorely mistaken. He had nothing to prove, nor was His suffering a sign of His weakness.
One day Jesus will return to this earth, but this time it will not be as a suffering servant. He will come in all His glory as the conquering Lord and Master. He will judge all the inhabitants of this earth past and present. Every tongue will proclaim Him as God, every knee will bend and every heart that has rejected Him will feel fear.
He demands our respect and our loyalty, but even more He deserves them!! Don't ever be tempted to think that He was or is weak, He is a mighty warrior, but with a heart big enough to love us despite our rebellion. He said it Himself: (John 15:13-14 NIV) Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. Pretty awesome thought don't you agree? The Creator died for us and adopted us into the family as heirs!

Have a blessed Easter everyone!