There are many sickening stories of the brutal treatment these children undergo. One young boy was told to kill his best friend, boil and drink his blood, just for the enjoyment of his kidnappers. One girl was rescued and reunited with her parents which she no longer recognized because she had been brainwashed. Many children suffer sever trauma from the cruel treatment they undergo.

We need to keep these children in our prayers. Things are being done, but without prayer all the work is in vain. We need to pray for these children to hear the gospel and be comforted by God's love, also that the Lord would send Christians to Uganda, to not only spread the Word but to encourage the brothers and sisters working over there. With the Lord's help we can make a difference, we can save lives. This is a gruesome reality... this is happening today but it can stop.
Remember, with Christ nothing is impossible!
A girl rescued from the Uganda camps

Yay! First to comment! Well thankyou for putting your time into writing this for us. It was very good. "APPLAUD"! Well any way it reminded me a little bit of ahh Blood Diamond. They have all these kids that go on raids and raid villages. They brain wash all the kids. Well anyway enough of me. cya around...
Graham Carver Jaroski
I remember diana giving a speech on this last year. it's sad and frightening, the wicked things that people can do. Prayer is an absolute necessity.
Good post :)
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