We took this Texas boy skiing... he really did a great job!

So... Jared thought that pushing a cart was VERY unmanly, and these pictures explain his thoughts ;)

I just had to get a picture of him folding his laundry :) haha Jared remember... womens large... haha

Jared could almost always be found here, picking out some country tunes for us to listen to

Gingerbread House Party!!!! So much fun!!!

Lots of candy!

This is the house that Jared and I made... all the ideas came from Jared, I just ate the candy :)

I love this sweatshirt... thanks J!

Hey I know that guy!!! Looks like good times, I'm glad yall got to see each other. Now you need to come down here!
Oh and p.s. that basket phobia thing is kinda my fault... however there is truth in it!
Yeah, he told me that you and him avoid carts at all costs :)
It was so much fun! We had a blast!
Well I am glad of the prove of pictures that he had a good time! It is just to freakin cold up there. You turn here around summer break. lol Maybe the Ritchharts to. We all need to get together again.
Graham Carver Jaroski
Glad you guys had fun!
I had so much fun!
You look like you had a lot of! lol
Nice post!
we did have a blast :) :)
Sweetness. Finally I get to see what you've been up too.... = )
See you soonly!
Hey Girl,
Thanks for posting! I love the pictures!
I think the best one is of Jared with the shopping cart... lol Made me laugh so hard.
I love your song too! It's one of my favorites!
Great pics!!! and he's right, you need to come down to Texas one of these breaks. :-)
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