Jon's a tree-hugger
Actually we all are ;)
Yeah, we rock
Evolution process!
It took 300 picture to get this one...haha
Where I live!
Love these guys!!!!
We 'da cool group!
Pic with David
Him trying to push me off a cliff!
Mt getting him back!
Oh yeah... we hikers!
LOVE this girl!
Our birthday gifts!
Ling ling with her "boyfriend"
The boys got me"Learning To See Creatively... Design, Color & Composition in Photography"
haha she was so happy!
Fun pics. Was this with David's camera? Really interesting...use a tripod?
Happy bday early:)
Yeah he took with Peters camera... the really sweet cam I'm looking at getting :) We just used rocks and stumps near-by, we didn't have a tripod with us :)
Ling looks adorable and has great dimples! The boys are to be commended for doing such a memorable celebration for you both! Friends that are true are hard to find!
Mrs. J.
Great pictures Stacey!
Looks like you had a blast! I'm not going to say which picture I liked best case I loved them all! =) Sorry I didn't call you last night, the guys and me went to go see Indiana Jones and then Jared said you were going to see it too. Felt better after he told me that. =) What did you think of it? I loved it! Miss you and love you!
Oh hey forgot to ask you. What kind of camera is it? =)
Hey Kathryn!
I really liked the movie, except for the ants. I felt sick at that part. But overall it was an amazing movie!
I love you and miss you, too!
I'll call you later!
It looks like you guys just had a blast!
Good pictures to. ;)
Kathryn, the camera is a cannon xti!
Yeah the ants were a little scary in the movie!
Thats a great camera! Thats the same one I am looking at getting! =) It looks like a sweet camera!
Looks like y'all had an absolute blast!
aww u guys are so amazing, i love you all!!!! <3 <3
Diana!!! We love you too!!! SO MUCH!
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