Sunday, November 27, 2005


Micah's first agility trial was Friday! We did GREAT!!!!!!!! He ran three runs, Jumpers and Tunnelers 1 & 2.

Our first run was Jumpers. We placed 1st and Qualified!!!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!

Our second run Tunnelers 1. We placed 3rd and Qualified!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Our last run was Tunnelers 2. WE placed 1st and Qualified!! There were 66 dogs in this class and only three were as fast as Micah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did great considering that it was his FIRST trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Here are my 2 rabbits. The black one is my charming male Prince Charming and the brown one is my adorable female Cinderella. They are my breeding rabbits. Arn't they cute? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 12, 2005

An Anwser!

God had been SO good to me in everyway! I want to tell you something that the Lord did for me today....

I've had acne for 2 years now and I got mad at God. I was "yelling" at Him and complaning. I'm not like Job who can just take hardships and still praise the Lord... I'm such a sinner. Anyway, I decided to read the Bible... I was looking for comfort and I found it in a different verse and a very different way than I ever expected. It was in Proverbs 3. It said "be not weary in the Lords correction, God corrects the ones He loves". The Lord gave me acne for a reason, and maybe to correct me in something.... I do not know.... but this verse brought me much comfort and now I'm happy knowing that the Lord loves me!!

Just had to share my little story!

God Bless You All!!!


Friday, November 11, 2005

Twas the night before Thanksgiving.........

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hey just had to add this beautiful picture of this rooster I gave away for "stew". Some mexicans LOVE chicken stew! Posted by Picasa


I just found out something last night that could change a lot of things. Like my WHOLE entire LIFE!!!!!! And not in a good way. I'll have to ask... to see if I could tell you guys....but for now please just pray for me and everyone this news has affected!!! Thank you guys! I appreciate your love and support!


Sunday, November 06, 2005

2 NEW Movies

Yep we had great week. I gave a speech, Dad got his new Jeep, Micah went to training class, and as a family Dad took us out to eat TWICE this week and the the MOVIES.

Dad and I saw Dreamer Friday night. It was a great movie. There was little "action" for guys but it was a great family movie. The horse Dreamer broke her foot at the end of a race, but instead of putting her down (the girls Dad) decided to keep her to breed. It ended up that Dreamer was sterile so the only hope for the horse was to race. I won't tell you any more you must go see it!!! DON'T go on Friday night. Where are all these teens parents? The girls wore "Nothing" and all the guys thought about was how the girls looked and you know what. It was just awful. After seeing all those skinny girls I tryed on my size 3 jeans and to my dismay they didn't fit. But you know...who cares how I look? I wore a jean skirt to the movies (because I'm wearing skirts now instead of pants) the look all the people gave me was like they thought I was from Mars? It kinda hurt but you know what... all I had to do was pray for God to give me streanth and then I was fine! God has been so merciful and gracious to me, in placing me in a home where my parents love me. God is so good!

Last night Dad took Matthew, Mom, and me to see Chicken Little. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! GREAT MOVIE!!!!! Mom thought it was pretty stupid....but that's was SO stupid it was funny!!! I'm not telling anything about this movie cause it would really give it away!!!!!!

Well, today is Sunday. I'd better go get prepared for church. May God Bless you all in his abundant mercy and unchanging love!
